Youth Department
Across Nations Youth Ministering
We have recognized the strength of empowering the youth in church and other institution. When you grow to mature age that's 45 and beyond it's when you get to know the importance of physical strength. When you empower youth strong body with right knowledge (understanding and divine wisdom) one will never make loose. The problem is when the young woman or man doesn't know exactly what to do where,how and when. Equipping the youth it's very important. When you grow to mature age the work you do like in percentage it's 95% result then youth times it's 45%. Just imagine empowering and shaping the mind of young people as of mature person then added to their physical strength the results of work will be 100% plus. Our Apostle is passionate to empower the youth in spiritual, knowledge and natural talents and skills. Some youth are talented in sports,music,dance,drama and recreation. We need to take time to discover the gifts in them and design a structure to develop and empower. When your working with youth ,you can't forget to nature well their foundation who are the children. Have a children's center of understanding God, knowing and discovering their potential,feeding well,morals then it will be easy for you towards youth. At our ministry/ church we would like to give youth a chance to serve God and people in church and community.